Legionnaires' disease in Solid Organ Transplants

Authors: M. Luisa Pedro-Botet, M.D. and Victor L. Yu, M.D.

Legionnaires’ disease was first recognized as a hospital-acquired pneumonia in an outbreak of about 200 patients occurring at Wadsworth VAMC, Los Angeles in the 1980’s.  Most of these patients were renal transplant recipients (39). The source of subsequent hospital-acquired outbreaks was subsequently found to be the drinking water (3067).  In the early years following the recognition of hospital-acquired Legionnaires’ disease, transplant recipients seemed to be at markedly higher risk.  For example, in the 1980s, 80% of hospital-acquired Legionnaires’ disease at Stanford University and University of Pittsburgh occurred in transplant recipients (930).

This predilection for transplant patients may have occurred for a number of reasons:  The obvious reason that immunosuppressed patients are prone to opportunistic pathogens. However, we suspect the primary reason is that physicians caring for such patients have a high index of suspicion for infections.  Moreover, invasive diagnostic procedures including bronchoscopy, lung biopsy, and autopsy are performed more readily for transplant recipients compared to non-transplant patients such that Legionella would be more readily recovered from the patient.

We reviewed fifty articles reporting 287 cases of Legionnaires’ disease in solid organ transplant published from 1972 to 2011 so as to identify the risk factors for infection and define the best therapies and recommend preventive measures.  For the 50 articles, about 3% of the transplants recipients in those institutions had contracted Legionnaires’ disease (Table 1).


The bacterial family Legionellaceae consists of 50 species (421). Legionella pneumophila is the most common species causing infection in at least 80 percent of human infections and was the most common species causing infection intransplant recipients (Table 2). L. micdadei was the most common non-pneumophila species involved although four other species were also identified: L. longbeachae, L. bozemanii, L. parisensis, L. cincinnatiens (Table 2).  Within the species, serogroups 1, 4, and 6 were implicated in these transplant recipients; there are over 40 serogroups (2459).back to top


Legionella species are part of the flora of aquatic ecosystems. Microbial parameters such as bacterial inocula and the virulence of the bacterium combined with immunity of the host are the factors predisposing to infection. After aspiration of contaminated water or inhalation of aerosols containing Legionella, the organism attaches to respiratory epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages via flagellae and pili (66). Legionella is then phagocytosed and is able to evade intracellular destruction by a number of mechanisms (3174). Cell immunity involving the pulmonary macrophages and IFN-gamma appears to be an important host defense (3134). Depression of cell-mediated immunity by glucocorticoids and anti-rejection drugs used in transplantation predisposes the host to Legionnaires' disease.  Humoral immunity plays a secondary host defense role against Legionella infection. The precise role of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) against Legionella is unclear. The organism does resist killing by PMNs even in the presence of specific antibody and complement.


The incidence of Legionnaires' disease depends upon the degree of water reservoir contamination, the intensity of patient exposure to that water, and the susceptibility of the host. Successful diagnosis requires specialized laboratory tests, which are often not widely available. As mentioned, the strong link to transplant patients may result from diagnostic bias in that intensive diagnostic procedures including lung biopsy are more likely to be applied.  For example, in one hospital, after confirmation by culture of 2 cases of hospital-acquired L. micdadei pneumonia in renal transplant recipients, L. micdadei serologic testing was performed retrospectively in transplant patients with pneumonia in whom microbial etiology was undetermined. Thirteen additional cases of pneumonia caused by L. micdadei in renal transplant and heart transplant recipients were uncovered (40). The most dramatic example of undiagnosed legionellosis in patients undergoing heart transplantation occurred at a major southwestern U.S. transplant center.  Over a period of many years, sporadic cases of hospital-acquired legionellosis with deaths were diagnosed before it was discovered that the hospital water distribution system was the source.

Similarly, two outbreaks of L. micdadei occurred in a major eastern U.S. stem cell transplant center over a 15 year period before a copper-silver ionization unit was installed.  At a university medical center in midwestern U.S., over 50 cases occurred over a 20 year period before effective water disinfection systems were installed. In the four outbreaks described above, transplantation surgery was placed on hold, media attention resulted, and millions of dollars were lost in the litigation that followed.  At Wadsworth VA Medical Center, the largest renal transplant center in the VA system in the 1980s, was never re-opened following their outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease.  back to top


The 50 articles on Legionella infection in solid organ transplant recipients that were reviewed (Table 1) included 262 hospital-acquired and 25 community-acquired cases. The highest absolute number of reported Legionellainfections occurred in kidney (n=174) and heart (n=92) transplant recipients. Two patients had undergone a kidney-pancreatic transplant (41, 75). The mean time from transplant to Legionella pneumonia was 1.7 years (4 d -10 years). 77.1% (81/105) (77.1%) occurred in the early post-transplant period (≤ 3 months).  Legionella infection occurred following rejection in 52% (43/82) (Table 1). Most of the patients (83%, 24/29) developed Legionella infection after early rejection (≤ 3 months).

Pneumonia was confirmed radiographically in 90% (178/199) (Table 2).  Cavitation was seen in 26% (20/78) (11,2023253537465877).  The mortality of solid organ transplant patients with Legionella infection was 30%. The mortality for Legionella infection following transplant rejection was 35% (7/20). 16 patients experienced Pontiac fever, the nonpneumonic form of Legionellosis: 8 in heart transplant recipients and 8 in kidney transplant recipients (1530,3658).  This diagnosis was based on antibody seroconversion following onset of a syndrome of fever.

Extrapulmonary Legionellosis

Extrapulmonary manifestations of Legionella infection have been described in 4 (1.3%) solid organ transplant patients (Table 4) (28386371).  Only one patient had concurrent pneumonia (71). The extrapulmonary sites were aorta (28), liver (71), pericardium (63) and soft tissue (38). All the cases were confirmed by tissue culture of the involved site (2871).  Three out of 4 (75%) survived (283863).  Tokunaga described a two and a half month-old infant who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation (71). The infant died from fulminant hepatic failure and L. pneumophila was identified by direct immunofluorescence in both the grafted liver as well as the lung.   

Mode of Transmission

The mode of transmission of Legionella in transplant recipients is usually aspiration although aerosolization has been widely publicized.  We believe that many reports of aerosols emanating from hot tubs, springs and cooling towers were biased by the fact that the epidemiologic investigation failed to include drinking water sources.  In this next millennium as more attention is focused on drinking water, a decrease in legionellosis attributed to aerosol transmission is likely to occur especially in hospital-acquired cases since water will be cultured; in community-acquired cases, drinking water is often overlooked.  A decrease has already occurred for hospital-acquired legionellosis in which reports of cooling tower links have plummeted; virtually all of the identified water sources of hospital-acquired legionellosis are drinking water systems within the hospital.  Cooling tower outbreaks continue to be reported, usually in the lay press, for community-acquired legionellosis and in these outbreaks drinking water sources are not cultured.  In this review, for the 25 reports in which an environmental source was sought, 72% (18/25) of the patients were attributed to contamination of hospital tap water by Legionella (Table 2).  In 10 patients, the molecular subtype of the patient isolate matched that of the environmental isolate (Table 2).

Since the first environmental isolation of L. pneumophila was taken from a shower head it was widely assumed shower aerosols might be the means of dissemination of the organism.  However, an epidemiologic link between showering and acquisition of disease has never been shown in prospective studies and in at least two controlled studies, showering proved not to be a risk factor (660).  Humidifers and ultrasonic nebulizers have been linked as well as direct installation of contaminated water down respiratory tract tubing has been linked (2949).  Nasal gastric tube placement, a risk factor for aspiration, has been identified as a risk factor in hospitalized patients.  Ice machines have been suspected as a source in an anecdotal reports.  back to top


Prompt diagnosis of Legionnaires' disease in solid organ transplant recipients is especially important since early initiation of appropriate therapy is directly linked to survival (2842). Because the clinical presentation of Legionnaires' disease is nonspecific, specialized diagnostic laboratory tests are the key feature for diagnosing Legionnaires' disease. Since most of Legionella cases in organ transplant patients are acquired in the hospital, Legionella diagnostic tests must be available in-hospital for hospitals performing transplants (822). Among the species in the Legionellaceae family,  L. pneumophila was responsible for 83% of Legionella infections in solid organ transplant (Table 1); however, serogroups or species other than L. pneumophila serogroup 1 were common (Table 2).  

The urinary antigen test is the most commonly used laboratory method Legionella diagnosis for urinary antigen. Urinary antigen testing is rapid, sensitive, specific, and inexpensive but is only accurate for the diagnosis of L. pneumophila, serogroups 1. A metaanalysis of 30 studies by Shimada et al (61) showed a high specificity of 99% and a sensitivity of 74%. Thus, one-quarter of patients with confirmed legionellosis can have a negative test result.  Duration of urine antigen positivity and excretion is longer in immunosuppressed patients (up to 3 weeks) and these patients also have prolonged duration of fever (65).

Culturing for Legionella spp. is the single most important laboratory test given the limitations of the urinary antigen for species other than Legionella pneumophila and serogroups other than serogroup 1. The availability of the patient isolate from culture can be used for subsequent epidemiologic investigations by comparing the patient isolate to the isolate from the drinking water (44). Given the frequency of Legionella as a pathogen in both community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia, culture on selective media should be routinely available in all clinical microbiology laboratories especially in those hospitals caring for transplant recipients. In fact, Legionella could be isolated by culture in 35 of the 50 studies. The combination of culture of respiratory specimens and urinary antigen testing are optimal as a diagnostic approach (76). The reported sensitivity of direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) stains has ranged from 25% to 75%. It is highly specific, and the monoclonal antibody test has eliminated the rare occurrence of cross-reactivity with other gram-negative bacilli. DFA may be performed if the direct culture of the specimen is overgrown by competing microflora. Its sensitivity and specificity depend on the experience of the observer. Serologic tests are generally far less useful for the diagnosis of Legionella infection in immunosuppressed patients and two paired serums over 3 months or more are frequently necessary to demonstrate seroconversion (1272).

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection of Legionella DNA in sputum, urine and blood has been described. When testing clinical samples from the lower respiratory tract, PCR has been shown to have sensitivity equal to or greater than culture (10). Moreover, PCR can detect species and serogroups other than L. pneumophila serogroups 1 (6273).  False positive results have been reported using both in-house and commercial assays (13). Legionella DNA can also be detected from other samples, but with reduced sensitivity (48).  back to top


Legionella is an intracellular pathogen which has relevance to the efficacy of the antibiotic (32). Antibiotics capable of achieving high intracellular concentrations are more effective clinically than antibiotics with poor intracellular penetration. Tetracyclines, macrolides, rifampin and quinolones have intracellular penetration superior to that of beta-lactam agents.  

Therapeutic data were available in 36% (103/287) of Legionella infection cases in this review (Table 5).  Erythromycin was the most common antibiotic administered (Table 5), but this is likely a reporting bias from an earlier era.  Only 11 patients 11% (11/103) did not receive any specific anti-Legionella antibiotic therapy and their mortality was a shocking 91% (10/11). Although macrolides were effective, patients receiving quinolones had the lowest mortality 7.6% (1/13) (Table 5). Note that azithromycin was not used in any of these studies.

Quinolones are more active than any of the macrolides in both in vitro and in vivo methods and in intracellular models (3,16,18,19,25,68,70). The results of five observational clinical studies totalling 598 patients suggest that quinolones are more effective than macrolides (erythromycin and clarithromycin) based on time to defervescence and length of hospital stay (52), although the mortality was similar for both classes of antibiotics.

Combinations of antibiotics have been used in patients unresponsive to monotherapy, the most frequent being macrolides-rifampin, macrolides-quinolones or quinolones-rifampin. The addition of rifampin failed to show any advantage in 3 retrospective clinical studies totaling 122 patients (142633). Rifampin commonly causes hyperbilirubin levels which is reversible upon discontinuation of the rifampin.  In vitro and in vivo studies do not show a consistent synergistic effect against Legionella. In contrast, the combination of macrolides and quinolones has shown promising results in in vitro and in vivo models and in anecdotal cases (53).       

Drug interactions are of concern in transplant recipients. Rifampin interacts with numerous drugs affected by hepatic metabolism. Erythromycin and clarithromycin interacts with tacrolimus by interfering with their hepatic metabolism through the CYP3A subclass (1). Azithromycin appears to have fewest drug interactions because of minimal CYP34A inhibition (51). In fact, there is only one published case of interaction between azithromycin and cyclosporine (50). Quinolones do not affect hepatic P450 enzyme, CYP3A4 and they may be the preferred antibiotic for transplant recipients. The occasional case reports of apparent interactions of quinolones with other drugs interacting with this enzyme are difficult to assess (56).  back to top


The use of antibiotics prophylaxis for Legionella infection in transplant recipients is questionable. The unusually low incidence of Legionella infection observed in some immunosuppressed patients such as HIV-infected patients or renal transplant recipients has been attributed to the use of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) as prophylaxis for other opportunistic infections (54). Relapse of Legionella infection has been described in severely immunosuppressed patients especially in the erythromycin era (55). Molecular subtyping has documented that someLegionella infections are relapses (47). Clinical failures due to resistance of the organism to the antimicrobial agent have not been documented. In vitro susceptibility of clinical isolates of Legionella to macrolides and quinolones has been consistent. Therefore the likely cause for persistence of the organism and the need for prolonged therapy in immunocompromised patient is the failure of the host’s immune system to assist fully in clearing the infection (64).

The routine administration of prophylactic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) (160-800 mg given orally once daily) while in-hospital after transplantation appeared to prevent nosocomial Legionella pneumonia in renal transplant recipients (43). On the other hand, an outbreak of hospital-acquired Legionnaires’ disease occurred in a Pittsburgh liver transplant service despite receipt of TMP-SMZ for Pneumocystis prophylaxis.  back to top


Most of the cases are hospital-acquired Legionnaires’ disease resulting from contamination of tap water (Table 2).  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended that hospitals with solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant programs perform periodic culturing for Legionella in the potable water supply of the transplant unit as a method for prevention (821). In the event of an outbreak, drinking of tap water should be proscribed until disinfection of the water supply is complete. Banning showering is commonplace but unnecessary; ironically, lack of showering has been linked to contracting Legionnaires’ disease (660). Bottled water should be used for feeding purposes and sterile water for humidifiers.

Numerous disinfection methods have been tried over many years. Two methods have proven to be cost-effective: superheating and flushing and copper–silver ionization (4569). Chlorine dioxide is widely used and continuing evaluation is indicated; some installations have failed. Copper and silver and chlorine dioxide concentrations should be monitored regularly. Routine environmental cultures performed simultaneously with disinfection concentrations should be performed at regular intervals for the lifespan of the system.  Monochloramine is under evaluation and appears to be promising. 

Thermal eradication, often termed “superheat and flush” consists in increasing the hot water tank temperature to 70ºC and flushing all distal sites (faucets and showerheads) with hot water for 30 minutes. The advantage is that this rapid method is effective in an outbreak situation and inexpensive to implement. It is logistically tedious to flush the faucets and measure the temperature at distal points. Unfortunately, several days are needed to flush all the hospital faucets since a high temperature must be maintained making it necessary to repeat this process at regular intervals (57).

Given the proliferation of numerous commercial firms offering disinfection systems, failures have become commonplace with patients contracting Legionnaires’ disease and distal tap water sites yielding Legionella despite installation of these expensive systems.  Failure to monitor Legionella levels and disinfectant concentrations were reasons for the failure. One consistent finding was noted in the failures: the purchase of the disinfection system was made by healthcare facility managers with minimal or no input from infection control practitioners. Thus, we recommend that infection control practitioners select the disinfection method and vendor using evidence-based medicine and experience of the vendor as criteria for selection. Healthcare facilities managers should only play a consultative role.back to top


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Table 1. Epidemiology of Legionnaires’ disease in Solid Organ Transplants



Acquired (# patients)



Organ, # refs Age
(mean, range)
Gender(M/F) Community Hospital Rejection % Transplant
Kidney, 27 44 years
55/15 163 11 63% (34/54) 3% (124/4,524)
Heart, 12 52 years
13/14 84 8 20% (2/10) 4% (81/2,204)
Liver, 9 38 years
(2.5 mos. -67)
8/8 13 6 44% (7/16) 1.5% (12/806)
Lung, 2 50 years
2/0 2 0 0 7% (1/14)
Total – 50 46 years
(2.5 mos-67
78/37 262 25 52% (43/82) 3% (218/7,548)
Footnotes: Denominator is not 287 for all parameters because of missing data
# refs = number of references cited in this review
Time to infection = number of days from transplantation date to onset of Legionnaires’ disease
Rejection=Legionnaires’ disease occurred during rejection phase
% Transplant = number of transplant recipients with Legionnaires’ disease/total number of transplants during that study period.

Table 2:  Microbiology, environmental source, and clinical manifestation of Legionnaires’ disease in transplant patients

Organ Legionella spp Environmental link. Molecular confirmation Pneumonia
 Kidney pneumophila 1,3,6,11
micdadei, longbeachae, cincinnatiensis, bozemanii
85% (11/13) 5 Mol 92% (126/137)
 Heart pneumophila 1,4,6
longbeachae, micdadei,
44% (4/9) 4 Mol 80% (35/44)
 Liver pneumophila 1,6
bozemanii, parisiensis, micdadei,
100% (2/2) 94% (15/16)
Lung   pneumophila 1,4   100% (1/1) 1 Mol 100% (2/2)
 Total pneumophila plus 5 other species 72% (18/25) 10 Mol 90% (178/199)
Footnotes: Denominator is not 287 for all parameters because of missing data.
Environmental link = Link made to hospital water by isolation of Legionella spp. of the same serogroup from both patient and water.
Mol=Molecular confirmation of matching patient isolate to environmental water isolate

Table 3:  Time to Legionella Infection for community-acquired and for hospital-acquired cases

  Origin Time to Legionella Infection
  Community Hospital Community Hospital
Kidney 11 163 2,122 d (163d - 3,650) 176 (4d - 2,190d)
Heart 8 84 38.5 d (21d - 56d) 131 (10d - 480d)
Liver 6 13 2,737d (2,555d - 2,920d) 26 (3d - 90d)
Lung 0 2 ----- 45d (14 - 81d)
Total 25 262 1,632.5d (21d - 3,650d) 95 d (3d - 2,190d)
Time to Legionella infection after transplant surgery

Table 4:  Extrapulmonary Legionnaires’ disease in transplant recipients

Ref. Type of transplant Cases n Extrapulmonary sites Pneumonia Species Treatment Clari Outcome
Guyot S, 2007, Switzerland(29) Heart 1 Aortitis No pneumophilaserogroup 6 Clair/ Rifampin Survived
Tokunaga Y, 1992, USA(30) Liver 1 Liver Yes pneumophilaserogroup 1 Erythromycin Death
Singh N, 1993, USA(31) Liver 1 Pericarditis No pneumophilaserogroup 6 Erythromycin Survived
Kilborn JA, 1992, USA (32) Kidney 1 Cellulitis No micdadei TMP/SMX + Doxycycline + Rifampin Survived

Table 5: Antibiotic therapy and outcome of Legionnaires’ disease in transplant recipients

Organ/ No. Patients Macrolide Quinolone Combination None Mortality
Kidney, 27   59% (44/75) 5% (4/75) 21% (16/75) 13% (16/75) 28.3%(34/120)
Heart, 12   10% (1/10) 30% (3/10) 60% (6/10) 0 (0/10) 5.5%(1/18)
Liver, 9 50% (8/16) 38% (6/16) 13% (2/16) 0% (0/16) 18.7% (3/16)
Lung, 2 0% (0/12) 0% (0/2) 50% (1/2) 50% (1/2) 50% (1/2)
Total, 50       51% (53/103) 13% (13/103) 24% (25/103) 11% (11/103) 25%(39/156
Macrolide=Erythromycin, clarithromycin as monotherapy
Quinolone =Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin as monotherapy
Combination = Combination of antibiotics including quinolones, macrolides, rifampin, doxycycline, TMP-SMZ

Sabria MBotet MLPYu VLin YE. Legionella species (Legionnaires’ disease)

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Adhikari P, Mietzner T.  Cell Mediated Immunity. 2008.

Greenberg D, Chiou CC, et al.  Problem pathogens: paediatric legionellosis-implications for improved diagnosis.  Lancet Infect Dis 2006;6:529-535.

Pedro-Botet ML, et al.  Legionnaires' Disease contracted from patient homes: the coming of the third plague?  Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2002;21(10):699-705.



Clinical Manifestations




Berger S.  Emergence of Infectious Diseases into the 21st Century, 2008.


Legionnaires' disease in Solid Organ Transplants