

Taisheng Li, M.D., Ph.D.


Professor of Medicine,

Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases

Vice Chair, Department of Medicine

Peking Union Medical College Hospital


Division of Infectious Diseases

Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Dong Cheng District,  Shuai Fu Yuan No.1

Beijing, China, 100730





Dr. Taisheng Li is a leading physician-scientist of HIV/AIDS in China.  He has been caring for patients with HIV at rural and urban clinics since the beginning of the HIV epidemic in China and organized the writing of the first edition of the Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of HIV/AIDS of China. He is currently the Vice Chair of the Chinese Society of Infectious Diseases and the Team Leader of the HIV/AIDS Branch of this society.  His research interests include immunological alteration associated with HIV/AIDS, as well as SARS and other emerging infectious diseases in China.  He has over 100 Chinese publications and 22 PubMed referenced publications.


李太生,北京协和医院感染内科教授、博士生导师。 现任中华医学会感染病学分会副主委兼艾滋病学组组长﹑中华医学会热带病与寄生虫分会候任主委。他组织编写了第一版“中国艾滋病诊疗指南”。主要研究领域涉及HIV/AIDS相关的免疫学改变和中国的新发感染性疾病。 共发表学术论文120篇,在包括《科学》、《自然医学》、《柳叶刀》在内的SCI收录杂志上发表论文22篇。