

Hao Wu, Professor, M.D.



Chief of Infectious Diseases Department

Beijing Youan Hospital

Capital University of Medical Sciences

No.8, Xitoutiao,Youanmenwai Street, FengTai District

Beijing, 100069, P.R.China

Tel : 86-010-63053963

Fax : 86-010-63294417





Dr. Wu has been working on Infectious Diseases since 1983. He received his in Infectious Diseases (1993) from Capital University of Medical Sciences. He is a professor of Capital University of Medical Sciences and Chief of Department of Infectious Diseases in the University Hospital. During the last 25 years,professor Wu was mainly involved variety of infectious diseases such as viral hepatitis, FUO, infection of CNS and STDs, specially in various public health and clinical issues concerning HIV/AIDS in China. He is also a national specialist in HIV/AIDS field attached to Ministry of Public Health. Dr. Wu is the founder of the Beijing Acute HIV Infection Cohort Study which is the largest cohort among MSM population in China and will be key for advancing the vaccine,prevention and therapy research in resource-constrained settings. As a supervisor, he has mentored numerous medical students and physicians, and more than 30 master and doctoral students. Dr. Wu has edited or authored 5 books and over 100 scientific papers and written many book chapters in some of the major textbooks of infectious diseases.


吴昊,教授,博士生导师 首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院感染科主任 中国北京市丰台区右外大街西头条8号,100069 电话:86-010-63053963 传真:86-010-63294417 吴昊教授自1983年从事于感染性疾病事业。于1993年获得首都医科大学传染病专业医学硕士学位,目前作为首都医科大学教授及主任医生,任职北京佑安医院感染科主任。从事传染病工作25年,其主要研究领域包括:各种感染性疾病,如病毒性肝炎、肝硬化、不明原因发热、中枢神经系统疾病及性传播疾病,尤其在HIV/AIDS公共卫生预防与临床研究领域有着突出作为。吴教授为中国卫生部艾滋病治疗专家小组主要成员。他还是HIV急性期感染队列的主要创始人,目前此队列为中国最大的男男性接触人群筛查队列,这将为艾滋病预防及疫苗研制做出突出贡献。作为研究生导师,他已培育了众多临床医学生、临床医师及30多名硕士及博士生。吴教授还撰写了5 部专著及100余篇学术论文,并参与多部学术影响较大的感染性疾病专著及教材。